Campotrovo bianco IGT Colli della Toscana Centrale

The Campotrovo is a Tuscan white wine that gets its name from a vineyard named “Campo Trovo” (‘found’). Here 80% of the grapes are Chardonnay while the remaining 20% is Pinot Blanc.

Chardonnay (50%) and Trebbiano Toscano (50%).

The soil is semi soft with tendencies of clay. Because of the large amount of skeleton present, the soil is on average considered fertile.

The training method used is the guyot with a planting density of about 4,000 vines / hectare.

The harvesting takes place when the grape is fully ripe usually in early September.

To keep in the aromas of these grapes we do not use wood barrels at all, only cement tanks well suited for these types of wines.

First, the Chardonnay comes out a fruity, floral blush while the Pinot Blanc confers acidity. It is ready for sale at the end of March and is a very pleasant wine rich with aromas and vibrance. The acidity this wine takes on creates a brilliance that set it apart from the rest and allows it to be suitable for important matches.

Straw yellow with greenish reflections.

Fruity with hints of golden apple and white flower.

Warm, soft, savory and fruity.

This wine should be consumed within 2 years after harvest.

Traditionally, white wine is a fish wine, however we also recommend dishes like Florentine tripe or “lamprey”. It is also excellent wine paired with early vegetables richly seasoned with herbs.